Reference Service and User Training

发布时间:2019-09-09 | 点击量:3728
By means of offering services such as novelty checking, information retrieval, selective retrieval, interlibrary loan and document delivery, the library supports the school’s teaching and research in providing speedy, comprehensive and frontier documents and informative services.

In August 2004, the library set up Educational-ministry-level Novelty Check Station for the subject of Traffic and Transportation Engineering by the authorization of Ministry of Education.

In order to promote the public awareness and utilization of library’s collection resources, the library carries out various activities including the freshmen’s training before their entry to the library, real-time online reference consultation, one-hour lecture of special topics, and serial lectures on the utilization of document resources.


Serial courses of information retrieval and utilization are set up in the aim of sharpening students’ awareness of information, cultivating their ability of information acquisition as well as utilization, and constructing the educational base for information literacy.
The course Information Retrieval was awarded the title of School-level Top Quality Course in 2005, and Sichuan Top Quality Course in 2007