Collection Distributions

发布时间:2019-09-09 | 点击量:8406

The Distribution of Collections and the Modes of Borrowing and Reading in Jiuli Campus Library


Names of

Stacks and Rooms


Description of Collections

Mode of Borrowing

and Reading

Opening Hours

Chinese andForeign Books Stack



Chinese books collected after 1982

Open-shelf Loan

Mon. - Sat.
Standard Time: 8:00—17:30

Daylight saving time: 8:00—18:00

Sun.: 8:00-12:00



All the foreign books in English, Russian, Japanese, German, French and other foreign language books collected after the founding of the library

Bound Volumes of Periodicals Stack



Bound Volumes of Chinese, English and Japanese periodicals collected since the founding of library, and Russian periodicals collected after 1957

Open-shelf Reading

Mon. - Fri.

Standard Time:

8:00 -12:00


Daylight saving time:

8:00 - 12:00;14:30-18:00

Theses and Reference Room


Specifications, criterion, product catalogs, degree dissertations, materials on special subjects, reference books, indexes, abstracts and dictionaries

Open-shelf Reading

Mon. - Fri.

Standard Time:

8:00 - 12:00


Daylight saving time:

8:00 - 12:00


Special Collections Room


Chinese books published before 1981, and collections before 1958

Open-shelf Loan

Wed., Fri.

(Register in 401 before reading and loan)

Standard Time:

8:00 - 12:00

Daylight saving time:

8:00 - 12:00


Bound volumes of newspapers collected since 1937

Open-shelf Reading

Bound Volumesof Periodicals Stack


Bound volumes of Chinese periodicals published before 1979, bound volumes of Japanese periodicals before 1989


Bound volumes of western periodicals before 1965

Chinese andForeign Periodicals, Literary Journals Reading Room


Current issues of science and technology journals in various languages; Chinese journals of literature, arts, life and popular science; pictorials and Chinese newspapers

Open-shelf Reading

Mon. - Sun.


Electronic Reading Room


Loan service of attached-to-book CDs, electronic readings and internet access service

Reading and Online Service




The Distribution of Collections and the Modes of Borrowing and Reading in Xipu Campus Library


Names of

Stacks and Rooms


Description of Collections

Mode of Borrowing

and Reading

Opening Hours

Chinese Books Reading Room

B 201


Chinese books collected since 1982 (More than 4,000 volumes scientific foreign books are located in B 301)

Open-shelf Loan

Mon. - Sun.
(Book Lending Hours: 8:30-21:00)

B 301


B 401


Reserved Copies Collections Reading Room


Chinese books of science , technology and social science collected since 1982; Excellent textbooks in universities both at home and abroad that are recommended by Dean’s Office; and monographs, textbooks and references written by teachers and research specialist staffs from the university


Open-shelf Reading

Mon. - Sun.

Periodicals and Bound-volume Forms Reading Room


Chinese journals of science and technology (more than 1,000 kinds); Chinese journals of literature, entertainment and life (more than 200 kinds); journals of college and universities, newspapers inside and outside the province (more than 60 kinds); famous foreign journals of society and culture; bound volumes of periodicals since 2006

Open-shelf Reading

Mon. - Sun. 8:30—21:50

Electronic Reading Room

C 408

Electronic readings and internet access service

Reading and Online Service

Mon. - Sun. 8:30—21:30

Group Study Room

Back of Reading Area of Region B (3rd-5th Floor)

Readers of four or more who need group study or discussion can apply to staff of this area for a room


Mon. - Sun. 8:30—21:30

Video and Music Appreciation Room


Broadcasting of excellent videos and music both at home and abroad


Schedule is informed every week

Alarm rings 15 minutes before library close.

12:00-18:00 every Thursday the library closes for housekeeping and professional training.